Friday, September 23, 2011


Got a rather unusual fundraising offer this week.  A cigar rights group has decided to hold a fundraiser for a breast cancer organization in October.  They want to call it BURN FOR THE CURE and hold it at a local cigar shop.  Wanted to know if COMPASSIONATE HANDS AND HEARTS would like to be the recipient of the funds?  Seriously?!
     Let me get this straight, smoking and raising money to help cancer patients.  I just can't see past the notion of inviting our friends and supporters to an event at a cigar shop.  I asked several of them what they thought about the idea.  After they finished laughing, no one seemed to think it was a good idea.  One friend likened it to holding a PETA fundraiser at a meat market.  One even suggested we hold a right to life fundraiser inside an abortion clinic or the AA meeting at the local liquor store.  
     Ah, fundraising can be a slippery slope.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


      Sometimes we meet new clients who amaze us with their strength.  Our newest client is one of those.  She's fighting breast cancer right now.  That is enough battle for most people.  But she's also the mother of four children, three of whom have autism.  Yes, three children with challenges of their own.
      That is certainly enough to make most people fold under the pressure.  But not this warrior.  Two of our volunteers went to visit her yesterday and came away in awe of her hope and joy.  We were blessed to be able to make a real difference in her family's life yesterday.  They were hours away from the power being shut off.  We delivered a check to keep the lights on.
     We're planning a group outreach for the family this Saturday.  And we can hardly wait to meet them !