Monday, December 3, 2012


It's always so rewarding for us to see how people and other organizations embrace our mission.  One of our dedicated volunteers has truly made our mission her own.
     Karen Wise is a local and outstanding seamstress.  So a few months ago, she decided to make pj lounging pants for our clients.  And what a great blessing it has been to them and to us.  Karen shows up at our outreaches with her tape measure around her neck and goes to work !  The reaction from the clients is always rather amusing since some of them swear us to secrecy about their measurements.  LOL.
     It truly is a labor of love and Karen does a beautiful job.
     But one of the more interesting aspects is how she comes up with the money for the material.  But perhaps that's a story for another day, if she'll allow us to tell it.  It is quite hilarious !